Welcome to my webpage!
Here, you will find information about myself and my work.
The page is updated regularly, and I hope it provides you with the information you were looking for and that you enjoy the reading!

Who am I?

I am a European researcher and group leader at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, specifically at the Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY).


My research focuses on two main areas and a common pillar. 
First, I study the smallest known objects in the universe, such as quarks and leptons, searching for anomalies in their behaviour that could point to new forces of nature, unknown particles, or other unexplained phenomena. 
Second, I participate in gravitational waves research and contribute to the Einstein Telescope Collaboration, where I work on the analysis preparation of some of the heaviest objects in the universe, like intermediate-mass black holes, through their gravitational wave signatures. 
The common pillar in my particle physics and gravitational wave research is developing and using advanced analysis methodologies based on artificial intelligence, machine and deep learning.


My academic journey reflects my diverse research interests. I am originally from Palermo, Sicily, and studied Astronomy at the University of Bologna (BSc, 2008), Nuclear Physics in Groningen (MSc, 2011), and Particle Physics in London (PhD, 2014). Afterwards, I worked as a postdoctoral fellow at DESY on the Belle II experiment (Hamburg, 2014) before joining the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, where I have led my research since 2017.



 Here is a copy of my CV.

My research activities are funded through

  • Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • European Research Council, StG InterLeptons, grant nr 947006
  • Austrian Science Fund FWF

These pages offer a glimpse of my research activities, and you are welcome to contact me via the usual official channels if you have any questions.